Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Books Download Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10) Free

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Original Title: Jeg så dem dø
ISBN: 0304366870 (ISBN13: 9780304366873)
Edition Language: English
Series: Legion of the Damned #10
Characters: Tiny, Sven, The Legionnaire, Porta, Julius Heide
Setting: Russia,1941
Books Download Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10) Free
Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10) Paperback | Pages: 330 pages
Rating: 3.99 | 828 Users | 12 Reviews

Present Appertaining To Books Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10)

Title:Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10)
Author:Sven Hassel
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 330 pages
Published:April 1st 2007 by Cassell (first published 1973)
Categories:War. Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. World War II. Military Fiction

Ilustration To Books Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10)

Ca ficțiune de război, undeva între 2 și 3 stele din cauza multiplelor erori factuale și a traducerii, dar este copios salvată spre 4 de umorul deseori foarte reușit. În mod ironic, reproșurile mele istorice sunt rezultatul unui cerc vicios (sau poate virtuos) : în liceu am citit cărțile lui Hassel de câteva ori,motiv din care am ajuns pasionat de ww 2 și tehnica de luptă. După care m-am întors la el mult mai priceput și am descoperit că povestește tot felul de gugumanii nerealiste sau incorecte...

Rating Appertaining To Books Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10)
Ratings: 3.99 From 828 Users | 12 Reviews

Critique Appertaining To Books Blitzfreeze (Legion of the Damned #10)
Hassel served in the Danish merchant navy till 1937, when he moved to Germany to join the army. He served with the second Panzer Division stationed at Eisenach and in 1939 was a tank driver during the invasion of Poland. A year later he attempted to escape because of being mentally exhausted. He was transferred to a Sonderabteilung, a penal unit manned by criminals and dissidents. He served with

After many readers are wondering if his novels from serie were fact or fiction, I think enough is known atrocities committed by both sides in the Second World War.

This was the first Sven Hassel book that I read... funnily enough, considering the title, in the heat of a Spanish summer.I loved this book and have re-read it several times now and never grow tired of the biting reality of war, the humour found amongst comrades and the solidarity of the fighting unit.

For Germans it was unbelieveable that in Russian army women served as regular soldiers, not just as nurses, secretaries or other auxiliary service. Sven Hassel showed the brutal world of Eastern front in World War II where the weather was enemy or support.

Meriterebbe anche 5 stelle se non ci fosse qualche passaggio un po' troppo confuso. Un grande romanzo di pace e di condanna di tutti i regimi estremisti.

Darrer llibre de la sèrie que retroba els tòpics i els personatges ja coneguts, en una descripció crua i descarnada - avui en diem gore - de la guerra. Vist en perspectiva, però, Sven Hassel no està gens lluny de Remarque, Jünger i altres narradors excepcionals (aquests, però, de la primera guerra) de la realitat bruta, cruel i deshumanitzada de les guerres; una realitat molt llunyana de la visió romántica que, fins i tot avui, se'ns vol vendre. Sven Hassel és el clàssic autor que és censurat o

La terribile e devastante avanzata, quando era la Wehrmacht ancora a compierla. Fino a giungere a mosca, quando ancora i combattenti credevano alla menzogna della propaganda. All'arrivo dell'inverno, è il momento per la 5° compagnia di tentare un sabotaggio che potrebbe cambiare la storia. Invece, non la cambiò affatto. E iniziò la ritirata disastrosa. E' un libro in grande stile Hassel che racconta con compassionata ironia l'incredibile clima del Reich nazista: assurdità al limite del risibile,


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