Wednesday, July 15, 2020

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Original Title: Traplines
ISBN: 0805044469 (ISBN13: 9780805044461)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Winifred Holtby Memorial Prize (1997)
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Traplines Hardcover | Pages: 215 pages
Rating: 4.03 | 510 Users | 45 Reviews

Declare Based On Books Traplines

Author:Eden Robinson
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 215 pages
Published:April 13th 1999 by Owl Books (NY) (first published October 1996)
Categories:Short Stories. Cultural. Canada. Fiction

Ilustration During Books Traplines

This combined review of Traplines and Blood Sports was first posted on BookLikes.

If there is such a category as BC Noir, then Eden Robinson's books Traplines (4*) and Blood Sports (3*) epitomize this category for me.

I'm combining the review of both books here because Blood Sports is the continuation of Contact Sports, one of the short stories contained in Traplines.

Having discovered Robinson's work through her novel Monkey Beach, I was not quite sure whether her other work would follow paths and include similar themes or whether it would be wholly different.

As in Monkey Beach, both Traplines and Blood Sports are written from the point of view of teenagers or people who have had to learn to become adults rather early. However, where the rites of passage in Monkey Beach are accompanied by a sense of community based on legends and a presence of the supernatural, all the stories in Traplines and Blood Sports are focused on people growing up trapped in the gritty and dysfunctional fringes of society, dealing with violence, addiction, despair, and seemingly unable to grasp at any opportunity that could lead a way out of it, even if it seems to be offered.

Violent and gritty but at the same time moving. And none more so than Contact Sports / Blood Sports which is set in Vancouver's East Side at a time when it was classed as the most dangerous place in Canada.

The story follows Tom, who wants to escape the world of crime and addiction and settle down with his young family. Tom is haunted and - literally - hunted by his drug-dealing, video-blogging psychopath cousin Jeremy, who will stop at nothing to wage revenge on people who he thinks have betrayed him.

If you need trigger warnings - this book pretty much has all of the ones I can think of, and more.
It's still a pretty good read.

"Nothing existed. Nothing had ever existed but the pain. He squealed, he heard the sounds ripping through his throat, and he fought the ropes. He screamed and he screamed and he threw himself forward so the ropes would tighten and it would end."

Rating Based On Books Traplines
Ratings: 4.03 From 510 Users | 45 Reviews

Appraise Based On Books Traplines
This combined review of Traplines and Blood Sports was first posted on BookLikes.If there is such a category as BC Noir, then Eden Robinson's books Traplines (4*) and Blood Sports (3*) epitomize this category for me. I'm combining the review of both books here because Blood Sports is the continuation of Contact Sports, one of the short stories contained in Traplines. Having discovered Robinson's work through her novel Monkey Beach, I was not quite sure whether her other work would follow paths

There are four short stories in Traplines; the first two, "Traplines" and "Dogs in Winter," I found to be a bit bland, but "Contact Sports" (the original basis for the later book Blood Sports) is a fucking ride, and "Queen of the North" is cathartic and a joy to read as well. One of the things I would note about Robinson's writing is that it's often as gripping as any thriller but also socially conscious and thought-provoking, regardless of whether or not a reader immediately recognizes the

First, let me start off by saying that I adore Eden Robinson--at least what I know of her. I've had the pleasure of meeting her, and she is charming and lovely. She has the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard, bar none.However, I do not like her books. Oh, don't get me wrong. They're well-written, which is why I've given this three stars. But Ms. Robinson is a very bloody-minded (in the older meaning of the term) writer! This book gave me nightmares.In some ways, her subject matter is similar

violent and beautiful, written with verve and skill

The stories are really intense, but the protagonists are amazing kids and the narration is sympathetic, realistic, funny, and kind of comforting. Couldn't put it down.

This collection of four novellas from Canadian writer Eden Robinson received extravagant praise from critics and fellow-authors alike when it was first published in 1996. She was hailed as a young writer with enough literary promise to eventually become a Carol Shields or even an Alice Munro. Now let me admit straightaway that I cannot for the life of me see what all the fuss was about. True enough, these stories highlight the plight of forgotten adolescents existing on a knife edge in a world

Challenging concepts, compelling characters, evocative stories that make me question everything I feel. Robinson boldly ushers the reader to sit in their own discomfort.


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